WildFlowers Pressed
Dreamers Subscription
sweet, slow poetry & a connection to what matters
Last year I began dreaming of an analog escape into a world of sensualism, art, and true connection. Connection with my body, with my community and with my dreams. The machines that run our world are actual magic - and yet, I crave to touch paper and not glass in the morning. To know what my neighbor is creating. To feel full on the stuff that truly feeds me, nourishes me, and allows me the strength to grow. And so. I have decided to start a newspaper, newsletter of sorts. It is a monthly subscription that will transport you to a time of textile. To a world of body. To a place of peace.
My name is Krystal with a k, and I will be the editor and main contributor to this project. Every month you will find poetry, photography, and art that inspires. This is will also be a place for events that are geared towards the sensual feminine, the education of the body and the protection of the Earth.
It’s a newsletter, but it is also more than that. It is a place for our whispers to be heard. For the dreams we blow on dandelions to be expressed. It’s a safe space for the revolution we ache for. This paper is a way of picking something different. To be a part of a change that feels good in our bodies right now. Not tomorrow , not next week, but right fucking now.
My hope is that you decide to pick this paper up from the Farmers Market, or the Crystal shop, or you get it delivered to your door and you sit down with it.
My hope is that you circle the events that will remind you that your mental health, your physical health, and your spiritual health matters before the health of your Wells Fargo Account.
My dream is that you will cut up the paper and plaster your favorite pictures to your wall. Maybe pull the poetry and paste it to your mirror so every time you look at yourself that month you will read of the kindness that is in this world.
My intention with this publication is to spread more good than fear. To inspire you to “be” more than you “do”. And when you have the desire to do I hope to give you actionable options for how to do in a way that impacts positively in this world.
Most importantly, I hope you feel freer for it.

to support honest art
you’ll be actively making art more free. unattached to social media and it’s inherent magic dampening demands. you will be one of the soul’s that help set me free…
and in that it must be said that it is bound to set you free too. that consuming what we intently and courageously ask for, is so much more powerful that being told what to want. here you are choosing what you want and then you are receiving it…
if that’s not freedom, i don’t know what is.
Our goal is to reach 250 subscribers by August 15th.
Help us make that happen by subscribing today!

wild and wishful
This is a great option for those who want the publication to exist even if your dreams don’t include holding paper in your hands. Your support makes this dream possible.